Facebook to MP3 Converter

Instructions on how to convert Facebook videos to MP3 format

1. Type keywords or copy and paste the Facebook URL on the search box.

2. Select MP3 format along with the quality of the audio file then click the "Download" button.

3. Wait for the converting process to be completed and download the final file. It’s a very easy and fast process.

Your best Facebook to MP3 Converter

Our converter allows you to convert Facebook videos to MP3 formats with just a simple process. It supports all audio formats such as MP3 (with different quality from 64kbps to 320kbps), AAC, MP4, M4V, 3GP, WMV, WMA, FLV, MO, WEBM, etc. With our service as your best Facebook to MP3 Converter, you can easily turn millions of video clips from Facebook into your favorite songs after it finishes converting. With our website as your best Facebook to MP3 Converter at your service, it has never been easier to convert Facebook to MP3 files.